"Two Geotextils One Geomembrana" Utilized in the Construction of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital

  • "Two Geotextils One Geomembrana" Utilized in the Construction of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital

"Two Geotextils One Geomembrana" Utilized in the Construction of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital

20 de marzo de 2020

Geosintéticos and Two Big Members of Its Large Family


Both geotextile and geomembrane are two big members of the large family of geosynthetics. Geosintéticos is a new type of geotechnical engineering materials. It uses natural fibers or synthetic polymers as raw materials to make various types of geosintéticos. Se despliega dentro del suelo, en la superficie o entre capas de suelo para realizar funciones de separación, filtración, drenaje, prevención de filtraciones, refuerzo y protección. Con el fin de resolver los problemas de estabilidad de la estructura de ingeniería geotécnica, deformación, infiltración y drenaje, geosynthetics are widely applied in railway, highway, water conservancy, electric power, construction, seaport, mining, military industry, environmental protection and other national construction fields. Geosintéticos incluír Geomallas, geoceldas, Geotextiles, Geomembranas, Materiales de geodrenaje, georedes, materiales geotécnicos de protección de arena, materiales de aislamiento geotérmico y materiales compuestos geotécnicos relacionados, etcétera. They are well known internationally and are called the "fourth largest building material" after steel, cement, and wood.

Hospital Huoshenshan de Wuhan: un hospital temporal para el tratamiento infeccioso de la COVID-2019
Wuhan Caidian Huoshenshan Hospital is based on the model of Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital during the SARS fight in 2003. The total construction period of this hospital was 10 days. As a temporary hospital specializing in the treatment of infectious diseases, Huoshenshan Hospital must be ensured that all medical and domestic sewage and wastewater are drained by special pipelines. The hospital's sewage needs to be completely contained. It cannot penetrate into the ground or flow into the lake to avoid the spread of the virus.

Two Geotextils and One Geomembrana Design as the Hospital's Impervious Structure
The project utilized a 20cm sand cushion layer + Geotextil no tejido de filamento + Geomembrana de PEAD + Geotextil no tejido de filamento + sand cushion layer to form an impervious structure. "Two Geotextiles one geomembrane" refers to two layers of non-woven fabric and a geomembrane in the middle, which was equivalent to putting on a "protective raincoat" for the underground and surrounding environment of the hospital.

two Geotextiles one geomembrane YINGFAN liners Geotextiles in medical waste landfill

Geotextils, also known as geotechnical textiles, are permeable geosynthetics made from synthetic polymer fibers. They are divided into woven Geotextiles and non-woven Geotextiles. Woven Geotextiles are weaved from fiber yarns or filaments in a certain direction. Non-woven Geotextiles are made of short fibers or filaments in a random or oriented array of thin batts, which are mechanically bonded, thermally bonded, or chemically bonded.

The "two Geotextiles one geomembrane" applied in the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital is the laying of Geotextiles, geomembrane, and Geotextiles in sequence onsite. Among this design, the geotextile was a 600gsm Geotextil no tejido de filamento and the geomembrane was a two sides smooth or textured Geomembrana de PEAD with a thickness of 2.0 mm. The join of two Geotextiles adopts the overlap method, and the join of the geomembrane adopts the welding method.

If geomembrane is deployed directly in the soil layer with sharp particles, they may damage the geomembrane. Therefore, when deploying a geomembrane, it is necessary to lay a geotextile or a sand cushion on the top and bottom of the geomembrane respectively to block sharp particles in the soil and protect the geomembrane.